Here resides the roll for the blogs that I follow on a regular basis.
Use the link just to the lower right of this heading to go to my blog on WordPress
Vampire Orc Prep
Other night a lady asked me what are you dreaming of?
This was a bit awkward but here it is:
In my campaign in Chagrinspire players ann...
Animation and Bonus Art from Dark Filly
Dark Filly has been hard at work creating additional artwork for the new
collection, including a few that will be included in the interior as a
New Books and ARCs, 2/21/25
It’s deepest February, with cold in the air and snow on the ground, but
here is a stack of new books and ARCs to keep you warm. What here is
catching your ...
Tellers of Weird Tales in The New Yorker
The first issue of *The New Yorker* was dated February 21, 1925, one
hundred years ago today. Unlike *Weird Tales*, *The New Yorker* has been
published c...
Matheson and Mayhar
Today is February 20, and it’s the birthday of two writers, Richard
Matheson (1926-2013) and Ardath Mayhar (1930-2012). It’s been a full day,
and it’s late...
This Old Dragon: Issue #176
[image: Dragon Issue #176]
Time once again to dip into the box of old Dragon Magazines under my desk.
Today's magazine takes us back to December 1991. AD...
20% for New Business
When I first went to work as a neophyte copywriter in advertising, back in
the Mad Men era, the thing that surprised me most was how much time was
D&D Balance is a Dirty Word
Whether as a DM or a game designer, you get told by "experts" that "game
balance" is important. That's wrong; balance will almost always make for a
We talk about show, don’t tell and info dumps over and over and over again,
and there are examples of what to do and what not to do out there all over
the ...
Double for Death by Rex Stout, 1939
*Series: *Tecumseh Fox #1
*About the author:* Rex Stout (1886 – 1975) was an American writer noted
for his detective fiction. His bes...
Disposable Future!
Now live on Kickstarter!Disposable Future is a dystopian cyberpunk RPG
using mechanics from Into the Odd. In this role-playing adventure game, you
and the ...
The Theory of the Labyrinth
A good part of the magic of D&D is from a specific aesthetic effect it
shares with several other types of fiction that I'm going to call The
Theory of th...
2024 Monster Manual on a Business Card
The 2024 Monster Manual is out, so we can finally answer all the questions
we have: are 2024 Monster Manual monsters tougher than 2014 monsters? How
much? ...
My statement on design 'copying'
I am a firm believer in that we, as humans that have been on this planet
for 200k years, are inherently creative but almost nothing we make is
'original'. ...
NTRPG Gaming Weekend
[image: NTRPG Gaming Weekend]
This weekend was a "game day" for North Texas RPG Con, held at the same
hotel the con is held at. I haven't slung dice since...
Prependix N
A mere 10 months ago (hot of the presses by what James refers to as our
shambolic standards), “The Problem with Appendix N” over at Grognardia
lamented: Ye...
How do fairies fly? + Do fairies have wings?
Perhaps some of the most common questions on the internet involve fairy
flight, such as do fairies have wings? can fairies fly? how do fairies fly?
The Player Agenda in Hide & Seek
I think one of the hardest things to impart to a reader of any ttrpg is
what playing the game should feel like, but yet nothing more useful you can
Almost Vancian
One of the typical elements of old school games, especially clones or
evolutions of the original D&D, are magic rules where wizards memorize
spells and w...
And Now For Something Completely Different
I'm participating in another blogging challenge this month, the 31 Day
Character Creation Challenge - I opted to make a classic *Traveller*
character each ...
Of ghouls and ghuls
I haven’t been blogging much for some time. Mainly it’s being busy with
work and family, but it’s also just that I’m devoting a lot of free time to
Creating house rules, custom rules specific to a local group or campaign,
has been common throughout the history of D&D. What makes an effective
house rule...
On Unearthed Arcana and other 80s Atrocities
One fateful night in the summer of 1985 I made a momentous trip to the mall
with a pocketful of cash from my first paycheck. Sure, I'd mowed lawns,
Christ is Born!
He whom nothing can contain has been contained in a womb. He is in the
Father’s bosom and His Mother’s embrace. How can this be, but as He knows
and w...
WOYW Fantasy
I am a big fan of what I have taken to calling “The World Outside Your
Window” Speculative Fiction. What I mean by that is that if the reader of
the story ...
Zombie Survival Escape USA
Prepare yourself for a thrilling adventure as you navigate through a city
overrun by the undead in Zombie Survival Escape USA. In this heart-pounding
Con Schedules 2024
There may be tumbleweeds blowing through my web site, but I’ve been very
busy. Book 3 of the Hanuvar series has long since been turned over, and the
final ...
Last move - to self-hosting!
As my vote regarding Substack in the “marketplace of ideas”, I’m moving to
I’m now at (and hopefully staying for a long time at)
Blog: ht...
Gwenevere (2023)
Poster by Sarah McIntyreBanished from Camelot, Queen Gwenevere (Laura
Frances Martin) must travel across wild country to the abbey where she is
to live out...
The State of the Metal Earth and What's to Come.
To begin with, I'm still here and still doing stuff.
The good news, I suppose is I have had a change in the way I approach game
In the past I...
Magazine Of Horror #05
New to, the pre-Halloween Magazine Of Horror #05 (September
1964), with Whitehead’s “Cassius” and also Prout’s “The House of …
Continue reading →
It's 2021 and the Dream is Dead
So reads the cover caption of Mayfair's *Underground*, published in 1993.
Taking place in 2021, *Underground* is unusual in terms of genre; perhaps
Map of a Pirate’s Lair
I’ve been a little light on inspiration recently – so I asked a friend for
a challenge. He proposed a map on a theme of a Pirate Treasure Map, with
the f...
Strange, Dangerous, and Inhuman: The Fey and Fairie
When I was a boy I loved fairy tales. Jack and the Beanstalk, Puss in
Boots, Rumpelstiltskin - I devoured all of it. My fascination that there
was a strang...
Dungeons & Dragonmead Fall Schedule
*As you know, I run public classic Dungeons & Dragons games at **The Loaded
Die**/Metro Detroit Game Night's Board Game Nigh at **Dragonmead**, in
Ravensburg Reboot: Streamlined City Map
I mentioned in my last post how I was tweaking and reworking parts of my
Ravensburg setting. Today I streamlined the city map. The old map had lots
of redu...
ITotD on Summer Break
[image: Sunflowers]PixabayMy attempts at building a time machine having
failed thus far, I find myself with too few hours in the day. So ITotD will
be on a...
Feeding fans starving 4 Action around da World!
Despite what I said a few weeks ago, I never really retired, just
semi-retired. I regularly check this site and love that it still gets
traffic. So keep it...
How can We Destroy this Campaign World?
1. You must trick a bard into strumming the *Chords of Fate* on the *Lute
of Annihilation*
2. Legends tell of thermonuclear weapons beneath megadunge...
Goodbye and Good Luck
Well some of you may have noticed this blog has been down, restricting
access for some time. For various reasons I've decided to step away from
the OSR...
Happy Gygax Day!
July 27th was Gary Gygax's birthday, and now it's Gary Gygax Day. I think
that's a worthy thing for the RPG community; Gary didn't create RPGs but he
ROUNDUP: What Writers Want to Know Right Now…
Multi-published author and head moderator Cat Gerlach asked a bunch of
writers on the forums what their toughest writings were. Here are their
questions an...
Looking forward
For reasons apparent to anyone that follows this blog, or checks my posting
schedule, I'm very wary of making any future commitments, statements, or
Deviant Art
I've had a DeviantArt account since 2009, but haven't done much with it
until recently. I didn't really take DA that seriously, thinking of it as
mostly fo...
Four Frightening Games to Play on Halloween
Happy Halloween, boys and ghouls! It's that terror-rific time of the year
when the air gets colder, the leaves start to change colors, and people
embrace t...
History of Ghost Taxis of Japan
Translated and Sourced from Shigeru Mizuki’s Mujara, Japanese Ghost
Stories: Spirits, Hauntings, and Paranormal Phenomena, and Other Sources To
learn more ...
Winds of Change are Blowing
The more things change, the more things stay the same. Hmmm…. That’s an
annoying cliche. How about, when one door closes, another one opens. I
don’t real...
Dynamic Grappling
Before I say another word, let me direct the reader to Douglas Cole and
Peter V. Dell'Orto's article on grappling in *The Manor*, issue #8 (
Community Created Content for Tabletop Games
Over a year ago, I posted about the coming revolution in card games (and
board games) based upon the ability to print any content on any single
card. I lai...
(SW) Fearsome Critters: Cake Walk
*Savage Worlds* is the role-playing game that bills itself on being "Fast,
Furious, and Fun." Over the years I've played elvish warriors, pulp
10 years ago
Friday, May 14, 2010
Regional Map for My Latest Sandbox Campaign
Here is a regional map I am working on for my latest sandbox.
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